Give your student the tools to succeed!
Our students test on average 78% better then nationwide averages on ACT, SAT I & II, AP, GRE & LSAT
We have an additional location for your convenience.
​Schedule a tutoring session today!
708.352.0011 -Countryside
312.877.5071 -Chicago
Request a free 15 minute consultation

Proven Success: 90%
grade improvement;
75% higher test scores

With thousands of students graduating yearly in the Chicagoland area, A Plus Tutoring is inundated with students wanting to achieve the best scores possible so that they are at the "Head of the Class" when being considered by colleges. Our students' success is our number one goal. There is no better way to ensure a great college career than by starting with a great high school career, and we stand by our students through highschool, college, grad school and beyond. A Plus is more than a simple tutoring service: A Plus is education for life.
Customized ​Learning

Our tutors work directly with students to best determine their educational needs. Students are tested on site before any determinations are made, and then an individual learning plan is constructed to best meet your student's needs. We are happy to sit down with students and parents alike to discuss potential solutions to low test scores or failing grades. Our students develop a renewed confidence and work ethic after a very short time in our program. If you are a student or have a student that needs assistance, we are here to help.
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

Thank goodness we have so many awesome tutors on staff! We are able to accommodate even the most challenging of learning styles! Our students achieve the best scores possible for them and we provide the best tutoring possible for them. A Plus Tutoring has over 66,000 hours of tutoring experience, whereas most college proffessors only teach 11,000 hours of class in their entire career! That is to say, we offer competetive services with well qualified instructors with years of experience and proven track records of excellence in tutoring. Come in to see the difference for yourself; we will be happy to show you around!
Top College
Exam Prep

With standardized test scores being one of the key college acceptance criteria, test preparation is vital. No other tests will determine a college career so much as the ACT and SAT. Luckily, we are experts at entrance exam preparation and our students have some of the highest scores in the entire country. Earning the name Best in the Midwest from our students and parents, we will provide excellent tutoring to help you earn excellent exam scores.
In The News
Congratulations to all of our students who have achieved a PERFECT SCORE!!
Welcome to the 36 Club!
Your hard work and studying has paid off!
We are very proud of you!
"Your high school grades are the #1 factor in the college admission decision"
(NACAC Admission Trends Survey, 2011)
New Format
for SAT I & II
Last year was the first in which more people took the ACT than the SAT. The margin was only about 2,000, but it reflected a significant change from the years of SAT dominance. The SAT and ACT maintain regions of strength, with the former strong in New England and the latter strong in the Midwest, for example. But the ACT is now seen as an option in all regions, and high school students in areas in which the SAT was once seen as the only choice now talk about the pros and cons of the two tests (or take both).
I'm so glad that I came to A+ Tutoring! It really paid off and I dont think I would have gotten my 36 without all the testing tips and practice!
— Veronica, Student. Hinsdale
A Plus Tutoring was extremely helpful in achieving my goal of getting a 36 on the ACT. They helped me focus on my weaknesses by narrowing down what I needed to work on and how to best use my time on the Math and English portions. Working hard ,studying the worksheets given to me, and taking the free practice tests helped me to achieve the ultimate goal of a 36.
— Griffin, Student. Hinsdale
..Last year we met with you for ACT prep for our daughter, Laura. You promised us if she received a 36 you would refund the entire amount. True to your word, you gave us our full refund! (A Plus was) great and helped prepare Laura for here ACT. We look forward to having our other children come to A+.
—The Dillons, Parents. LaGrange Park, IL